Thanks to Our 2014 Sponsors!
The Ramble would be greatly assisted by your support. Please e-mail for details.
We are a growing event that relies on volunteers and donations from the community to thrive. Many of our neighborhood businesses have supported us year after year, especially with in-kind donations. We are reaching out to you in an effort to help the Ramble become a sustainable event which will flourish this year and into the future, continuing to celebrate the richness of our neighborhood through interaction and celebration. Our expenses are minimal, but we need assistance.
Neighborhood Supporter Levels:
$500+: Businesses, your banner will be displayed at the event, and your logo will be top tier in the Ramble Map & Guide. Your name will be listed under “Ramble Hero, donations of $500 or more” on the Map and Guide
$300+: Your logo will be second tier in the Ramble Map & Guide. Your name will be listed under, “Ramble Hero, donations of $300 or more”
$100+: Your logo will be third tier in the Ramble Map & Guide.
$50+: Your name in the Ramble Map & Guide in the first tier of the “Thank You” section.
$30+: Your name will be listed in the Ramble Map & Guide in the second tier of the “Thank you” section.
It is also possible to sponsor specific activities.
All in-kind donations and volunteers are much appreciated and needed. You will be thanked in the Map & Guide for your support!
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at The Ramble!